Quotes tagged as "warrior-cats" Showing 1-30 of 55
"There's more to being a warrior than killing. A true warrior — the best warrior — isn't cruel or mean. He doesn't claw an enemy who can't fight back. Where's the honor in that?" ― Erin Hunter, Forest of Secrets
"Graystorm: You know Firestar was also very naughty, just like you.
Bramblepaw: Really? He seems to be very responsible!
Graystorm: Yes. I was there when he was too stubborn to not help RiverClan" ― Erin Hunter
"We all have our flaws. But we overcome them. And sometimes, it's our flaws that make us who we are." ― Erin Hunter, Tallstar's Revenge
"I know I did the right thing, but no one would ever understand." ― Erin Hunter
"The time has come for Firepaw to be made a warrior." ― Erin Hunter
"Kill me," he rasped at Clear Sky. "Kill me and live with the memory. Then tell the stars that you won." -Gray Wing" ― Erin Hunter, The First Battle
"Never trust a fox. Looks like a dog, behaves like a cat." ― Erin Hunter, Into the Wild
"And Jaypaw-well, Jaypaw can heal cats." "Thanks a bunch." muttered Jaypaw." ― Erin Hunter, Outcast
"Our code is different from the warrior code. It reaches across boundaries. To us, every cat is simply that — a cat, with the same right to life as any other. We made a promise to heal and protect, remember?" ― Erin Hunter, Night Whispers
"Bumblestripe: "I think we showed them." Hazeltail: "Showed them what? How much blood can be spilled in a pointless battle?" ― Erin Hunter, Night Whispers
"Destiny isn't a path any cat follows blindly. It is always a matter of choice, and sometimes the heart speaks loudest. Listen to your heart, because that's where your true destiny lies." ― Erin Hunter, Sign of the Moon
"Mapleshade: "Your punishment is complete now, Crookedstar. You have lost everything." Crookedstar: "No, Mapleshade. You're wrong. I still have a clan that I love and am proud to lead. And now... ...now everything precious to me is here, in StarClan. My family is waiting here for me, when my ninth life has passed. It's you who have lost. You have no power over me anymore." Mapleshade: "I have destroyed you!" Crookedstar: "No, Mapleshade. I still have the cats that I loved. You have nothing and no one." ― Erin Hunter, Crookedstar's Promise
"Brambleclaw dipped his head. "The battle is won," he growled. "The clearing is ours. Do you concede or shall we fight for it again?" Blackstar flashed a look of burning hatred over his shoulder. "Take it," he hissed. "It was never worth the blood that has been spilled here today." ― Erin Hunter, Night Whispers
"We will win this battle because we are fighting for our lives and the lives of our Clanmates. Our enemies are already dead. They fight only out of hate and that will be their weakness." ― Erin Hunter, The Last Hope
"So that's a fox?' Firepaw whispered. 'What an ugly muzzle!' 'You can say that again!' agreed Graypaw. 'I was following one of those when we first . . . met,' whispered Firepaw. 'More likely it was following you, you idiot!' hissed Graypaw." ― Erin Hunter, Into the Wild
"He gave his life to save the thing that mattered most to him: his Clanmates," he meowed softly. "He truly has the stars at his paws now. You will see him again, when it is time." ― Erin Hunter, The Last Hope
"Brambleclaw turned to Squirrelflight first. "Will you fight beside me?" Their eyes met for a long moment. "Always," she meowed." ― Erin Hunter, The Last Hope
"Silverkit took a step forward and peered past him at Oakheart, who was standing on the far side of the clearing, watching them. Then she stared up at Crookedstar, her bright blue eyes shimmering. She was so like her mother — and like him, too, in the shape of her ears and the length of her tail. Crookedstar gazed down at her, feeling a lifetime of hope open up in front of him. For the first time that day he felt the warmth of the sun. Watch over us, Willowbreeze. We still need you. "You're really just training?" Silverkit mewed. "Do you promise?" "I promise." Crookedstar ached with joy. "I'm your father, Silverkit, and that means I will always keep my promises." ― Erin Hunter, Crookedstar's Promise
"And ShadowClan holds power over there, in the darkest part of the forest. The elders say that the cold winds from the north blow over the ShadowClan cats and chill their hearts." ― Erin Hunter, Into the Wild
"Kill me. Kill me and live with the memory. Then tell the stars that you won." ― Erin Hunter, The First Battle
"«Как же, так я тебе и поверил! — хмыкнул про себя Воробушек. — Расскажи еще, что над озером ежи летают!»" ― Erin Hunter, Outcast
"Blazepaw tipped his head. 'Perhaps the sun is shining in ThunderClan territory.' Strikestone curled his lip. 'The sun always shines on ThunderClan,' he mewed sarcastically." ― Erin Hunter, The Raging Storm
"Who died and put you in charge?' Moon Shadow demanded, his tail-tip twitching in annoyance. 'Shaded Moss, actually,' Tall Shadow replied." ― Erin Hunter, The Sun Trail
"Un războinic bun trebuie întotdeauna să facă tot ce poate pentru a-și hrăni clanul." ― Erin Hunter
"Nu putea îndura să-i audă tristețea din voce; părea că pierduse ceva prețios." ― Erin Hunter, Outcast
"We don't all dream of being a warrior. We're healers, not fighters, and we managed to live in peace before you arrived. Not every argument needs to be settled with claws." ― Erin Hunter, Tigerheart's Shadow
"I have traveled so far and loved so much, and yet I am still following the Sun Trail, heading for my new hunting grounds." ― Erin Hunter, Path of Stars
"A warrior is heart and mind. It is not how we hunt and fight that defines our success, but how we face tragedy, how we rise above it. This is how we prove we are true warriors.' - Leopardfur" ― Erin Hunter, Leopardstar's Honor
"If every cat tried to kill their Clanmates after they had been dumped, there would be no Clans left. - Rootspring" ― Erin Hunter, Darkness Within
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